Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Death is at Work in Me

2 Corinthians 4:11

"For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that His life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you."

One of the tools God is using to teach me lately, is a Beth Moore Bible study that I participate in. Those of you who have been through her study on the Fruit of the Spirit- Living Beyond Yourself, will likely remember the video lesson on patience. It went something like this.

There are two kinds of patience. One concerns persevering in a difficult circumstance and is inspired by hope. The other, concerns being patient with difficult people and is motivated by mercy. The one that is a part of the Fruit of the Spirit is- you know it- the one dealing with people. We all have at least one tricky relationship, and you can bet mine has been put to the test lately. Because you see, I am alive, in that I have received God's gift of His son, Jesus, and I have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit-ALL OF IT!!! He has put patience within me, but it must be worked out.

How??? Well, one thing about the Holy Spirit is that we have need in Him because we were called to live this life, in this imperfect, flesh-loving body, in a way that brings glory to God. That is what we were called for. That is why we were saved.

Beth talked about having a relationship that just always seems to bring out the worst in us, and I can SO identify. The relationship I am speaking of is one that I can not avoid. It is necessary, and oh, how Satan uses it to remind me of what is still left of my "old, unsaved, mortal self". I can talk to this person and find a defensiveness and pride, that I thought had long ago been destroyed. I can feel the desire for vengeance and the temptation to hold a grudge. One conversation can consume so much of my mind that I can barely hear my Father's voice.

The good news? Having my sin masked by pleasant, easy relationships, does not keep it from existing. Yet, when it is revealed, when it comes up and out, God can deal with it. I don't know if that blesses you the way it does me, but the idea that along and along, God is changing me, not by taking me out of this sinful world, but by taking the sin out of me, whew!!! I just can't get over it!

One day, because of the presence of this person in my life, God will put to death, the sinful nature that is still very much a part of me. And just think, God may be bringing something to life in that person, at the very same time He is working death in me. Oh what a blessing it is to be a child of God, to have been called for the purpose of bringing Him glory, and to have been given all I need (through His Spirit), to do so.

1 comment:

Ali said...

The other day my journal entry, in all caps, was "LORD, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" I have also struggled with this kind of patience and the answer was, "Yes, there should be less of you and more of Me." Praise Him that He will not allow the dark corners of our hearts to remain dark, but bring them into the light that we may indeed be fully alive! It's good to know there are others who are also having this worked out in them!